1000 Direct to Your Account
Getting payday loans without faxing documents can be done through a direct money lender. A direct money lender is a micro lender that gives you a loan based on your pay slip. In some instances, the lender will have access to a database of employers in the area that makes it easy for them to give you a loan without any credit check. Payday loans without faxing documents are done through this system. You loan is based on the amount of money that you make every month, it is not the equivalent of your pay but a percentage of your pay. To get the loan, you will simply need to have your pay slip information with you and possibly an employer EIN number in some cases. This helps the lender to be able to track where you work and decide to give you a loan. In many instances, the loan decision is instant and you can have the loan in your account within a matter of minutes if you are approved.
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